Monday, April 25, 2011


My dear friend Andre and I (we met twice, we are super close) have something in common. We both lug our garbage to our far away place where garbage is centrally collected. Tell me about it, Andre!

Andre was giving his 2 penny pieces about making our world greener through our actions. Andre states, "You have to wake up and be conscious of everything, the way you dispose of things. I do make trips to the Dumpster. And I am proud of that because it’s far from my house. But I make a special effort to go to the Dumpster and put the cardboard with the cardboard, and plastic with the plastics."

Werk, Andre. I feel you. My garbage can is tucked away in the corner of my garage, which is on the bottom level of my casa. My la cocina where my kitchen garbage lives, is located on the SECOND floor of the Maison Foreman/Curran.This means I have to trapse down 2 flights of stairs to empty out the trash. And let's not even mention recycling! I collect bottles at the kitchen sink, and go all the way down to dispose of them in their proper receptacle.

I'm being serious. This is such a big production/annoyance.
Moral of this story: Andre and I have a bit of a journey to get rid of our garbage, but we push through and do what's right for the earth. Side note: Andre and I both love a fur blanket. Is that good for the environment?

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