Saturday, October 2, 2010

i know what girls like. i know what they want!

I went in the hot tub and all I got was this flesh eating virus...

Just kitteng! I just got pregnant.

On a more serious note, I found out from a trusted sorceror that Jennifer "Hennifer" Lopez will be debuting yet another fragrance this winter entitled "AFTERBIRTH"

Look for notes of Amber, Sandalwood, Musk, Patchouli, Civet, Benzoin with a hint of Placenta and Birthday Cake! Max and Emme were the inspiration behind her newest scent.

Jigga Man is rumored to be rapping the jingle for the fragrance's commercial "After the birth it's the afterbirth..." and Snoop will guest star in it as well (because he will do anything for a dollar and to stay relevant. He also really likes the smell of "AFTERBIRTH")

This will be my new signature scent. I can't wait!!!!