What is this I see? A white, creamy dreamy vision in the window of this building, that's what! When I saw this picture, Beyonce's "Sweet Dream" lyrics immediately started dancing through my mind. Thoughts about this wondrous creature (whom I will call Molly Jensen - a la Demi Moore's character in the cult classic movie "Ghost") consumed me for the next 10 minutes. Perhaps, in a former life, she was a mystical unicorn. What is her life like today, though? What is she doing right now....right now?
Perhaps she has just spun the most fabulous clay pot with her delicate hooves. Or maybe she just whipped up some delicious chocolate crepes and is now debating whether she should catch up on the last season of "Mad Men" or go for a frolick in the meadow. Either way, I don't wanna wake up from her (turn the lights on).